Womb Hara Massage

A deeply nourishing practice, blending sacred bodywork, breathwork and ritual to re-integrate Heart-Womb Connection and wellbeing.

The energetic centre of creative life force in the body - our womb, holds the power to birth children, creative projects and our ideas into the world.
The organs that reside within the abdominal region provide us with the breath of life that regulate the energy and blood of our entire body.

Weaving together Chinese Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage, fertility massage, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi and  abdominal massage techniques, Womb Hara Massage is an external bodywork which focuses predominately on slow and deep massage of the abdomen, womb, lower back, sacrum and coccyx.

This deeply held and nourishing massage gently brings focus to physical emotional & energetic blockages/stagnation and imbalances within the body for release and healing.

As an experienced and intuitive body-worker, each treatment will be a unique experience allowing for the cyclical nature that is inherent within women and the particular needs that may present at the time.

Through regular devotion to your body and womb, in these sessions I support you in the exploration and awakening of inner knowing through menstrual cycle awareness, our rites of passages as women, emotional regulation and gentle integration of womb wisdom.

I also offer Pelvic (yoni) steaming, moxibustion for the womb, womb clay rituals and may weave together breathwork, meditation, energy work or guided journeys before closing with a rebirth/wrapping ceremony to lovingly guide you home to your inherent womb wisdom.

Womb Hara Massage offers a space for women to be fully nurtured, held and heard and can be extremely beneficial for those seeking change and healing from;

  • Lost connection to self – heart / womb / pelvis
  • Post-natal recovery and self nurturing
  • Pregnancy loss / termination
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Disconnection from sexuality, pleasure and low libido
  • Pelvic infections / pain
  • Emotional, sexual trauma and abuse
  • Digestive complaints  
  • Fertility issues, ovarian cysts, ovulation imbalances, IVF
  • Peri-menopause / menopause
  • Menstrual, mood imbalances and pain
  • Sciatic, sacroiliac and lower back pain

I offer these sessions in my home treatment room in the Gold Coast hinterland. Please allow 3 hours.

* Please note Womb Hara Massage is not suitable during pregnancy or active bleeding.


3 Session pack $700

Client Reflections

Womb Hara massage with Lisa is like being in a beautiful dream state, providing a safe space for me to explore my relationship & connection to my womb. With her Shamanic knowing, intuition and incredible skills as a body worker, sessions with Lisa are relaxing, nurturing, magical and profound.
- Heidi
"Transcendental experience, in another world. Deeply relaxing and nourishing. Lisa's intuition and body knowledge is extensive which allows me the space to fully surrender into my body."
- Bernadette
I feel such a deep sense of peace after my session.
I am feeling more grounded, present and connected to myself. Thank you Lisa, for this beautiful experience.
- Rose

Womb Hara Massage is the woven creation of Natalie Zukerman founder and teacher of The Institute of Feminine Arts.

I currently co-facilitate on the Womb Hara Massage Practitioner trainings offered 3 times per year on the Gold Coast. 

Further information on our upcoming Womb Hara Massage Courses and trainings can be found here.